
  • 手机
  • 2025年01月15日
  • 故事一:房顶漏水 买到顶层房就会出现这个问题,特别是老房子。不漏水的顶层还是少数的。虽然这事可以让物业来解决,但真的要等他们开始干活那也就过去一年半载了。房顶修补的方法有砂浆灌缝、户外防水涂料、卷材、搭建外棚、搭建瓦片斜顶等。 故事二:墙面返潮 一般是和卫生间通墙的房间墙面返潮现象比较多一些。这是卫生间的防水没做好,等装修后好几年才发现返潮的问题,在修补也挺麻烦的。所以在装修的时候就要注意







踢脚线这里一般是不太会返潮的,出现返潮现象基本就是在装修施工中,墙地面结合处的防水施工做得不规范,要么就是防水涂料的质量太差了。像是新房理论上是有沉降周期的,所以不能用刚性防 水涂料,要用柔性的防 水材料来增加 防 水 的 柔 韧 度。


wall body local water spots basic is the wall body's internal water pipe problems. Water pipe appears sand holes, water pipe connection points loose, faucet and inner teeth connection not tight these will be the reasons. Like faucets and inner teeth connections not tight use adhesive tape install tightly then it's okay but if it's water pipe appears sand holes, internal connection points loose these problems can't be fixed just break open the wall to re do so in plumbing and electrical wiring during renovation choose good quality pipes test after finishing.

story five: over door stone leakage

over door stone here leaky basically because of two reasons one is that during decoration no waterproof slope was made secondly no waterproof treatment was done solution is pry open over door stone re fix.

story six: window area leakage

window frame old age window drainage hole blocked outside windowsill no slope outside wall cracks or gap between wall and window old age etc all may cause window area leakage solution is redo waterproofing re glue lay slope set up awning etc are all methods to handle this issue.

