随着技术的发展,现在取暖家-electronics in the market have become more diverse, with products such as wall-mounted electric heaters, warm food boards, and flexible heating film technology becoming popular among young people.
However, there are also concerns about safety issues. Some early models of electric heaters had problems with table top explosions due to the use of tempered glass. To address this issue, major brands like Meidong have switched to using stone board materials for their table tops.
As the winter season approaches, consumers are increasingly looking for products that not only provide warmth but also offer a comfortable and healthy living environment. The development of new technologies such as stone heat plates and air purification systems has helped to improve the efficiency and safety of these products.
According to Feng Siren, product manager at Meidong's heater department: "This year's take on stone heat plates has further expanded their application in most new heater models."
In addition to technological advancements, smart control technology is also gaining popularity. Voice-controlled heaters allow users to control temperature settings without having to physically interact with the device.
The future of heating appliances is expected to be shaped by innovations that prioritize comfort and health while addressing past drawbacks such as dry air and limited functionality. As consumers continue to seek out better solutions for their needs during cold weather seasons