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  • 2025年03月06日
  • 一、细胞膜的定义与位置 细胞膜是指包围在所有真核和某些原核生物细胞内的一层薄弱的透明质壁。它位于细胞外液与胞浆之间,作为细胞与外部环境之间物理化学物质交换的屏障。由于其特殊的构造和功能,膜及膜组件在维持细胞稳态、进行营养物质吸收、废弃物排出以及信息传递等方面扮演着至关重要的角色。 二、双层结构 cellular membrane 具有双层结构





cellular membrane 具有双层结构,即由磷脂分子组成的一个水相叶片和一个非极性或疏水相叶片组成。这两层分别对应于membrane's inner and outer leaflets。在这种结构下,磷脂分子的头端(通常带有电荷)向水相方向伸展,而尾端则朝向疏水区域,这种配置使得membrane具有良好的隔离作用,并且能够适当地控制溶解在不同类型介质中的化合物进入或离开。

三、lipid raft及其影响

Lipid rafts 是一种存在于membrane上的动态不稳定的小型域,它们由特定的磷脂分子构成,如胆固醇和甘油菸酰胺,以及嵌入其中的蛋白质。这些领域对于cell signaling process 和protein sorting 在transport到不同的membrane上方面起着关键作用。此外,它们还可能参与病毒感染过程,因为它们提供了易受病毒利用的地方。


Proteins plays a crucial role in the structure and function of cell membranes. They can be embedded within the lipid bilayer or attached to its surface, forming integral or peripheral proteins respectively. Integral proteins span across the entire thickness of the membrane while maintaining their functional domains on both sides. On the other hand, peripheral proteins are loosely bound to one side of the membrane and can easily be removed without affecting its overall structure.


Some integral proteins have specific functions that require them to be integrated into specific regions of a cell membrane. For example, transmembrane receptors facilitate communication between cells by responding to external signals such as hormones or neurotransmitters. These signals trigger changes in protein conformation which then activate downstream pathways that affect cellular responses.


Understanding cell membranes requires various research techniques including biochemical assays for analyzing lipids and proteins, microscopic imaging for visualizing structural features, and molecular biology approaches for studying gene expression related to membrane composition regulation. The knowledge gained from these studies has led to numerous applications in pharmaceuticals (e.g., designing drugs targeting specific receptors), biotechnology (e.g., improving vaccine delivery systems), and biomedical engineering (e.g., developing new biomaterials).
