
  • 行业资讯
  • 2024年12月31日
  • 一直比较纠结要不要写这个小教程,原因很简单,各家的猫咪都很不一样,有的猫咪有且只有在睡觉的时候才会安静下来,而睡姿什么的,实在不雅。比如这样,哪有美感啦混蛋。直到小猫“鱼蛋”加入了工作室之后,我觉得应该有必要写一篇小文了,因为鱼蛋就是个动如脱兔的家伙,但还是拍出了这样的,美美的照片,动、静都有了,这下可以总结下了。 美美哒有木有。言归正传,下面我来说说几点,不妨称之为心得吧,因为我非专业摄影师








因为:cats are alive! They're always moving, and this requires patience to wait for the right moment, though this is only one aspect. Technically speaking, it's about making sure your camera's shutter speed is fast enough. Methods include increasing ISO, using a large aperture, or using a flash light; however, uneven lighting can cause cat-eye glare which might harm the cat and isn't recommended.


The best lighting environment for photographing cats is during early morning or late afternoon when the light transitions smoothly and rooms have more even diffusion without harsh shadows or overexposure conditions – preferably use side-lighting or backlight to make their fur look radiant with an angelic quality.

If there's no natural light available either, artificial sources such as table lamps can be used instead of small colored lights that don't get too close to the subject lest they cause inaccurate measurement readings.


Many friends may not own pet cats but encounter stray ones on streets or in alleys; how do you capture these wary creatures? Two methods:

Use food to lure them closer while maintaining a calm demeanor then gradually move back with food in hand while taking photos from lower angles.

If equipped with long-focus lenses take advantage of focal length advantages by capturing images from farther away without sudden movements that could spook them off.


Key elements in framing subjects involve highlighting animal features such as eyesight interaction between pets and objects within frames where focus should be placed on eye contact rather than mere details alone - avoiding blurry shots altogether!


Lastly comes communication: learning how to connect with your feline companion so they aren't frightened by cameras like my fishy "fish egg" initially was upon entering our studio space at first glance before eventually growing accustomed through slow approach near meals times during photo sessions trying various tricks involving toys like laser pointers etcetera (to guide gaze towards desired directions).

In conclusion – especially emphasizing here – animals in their most natural state are most beautiful moments we want to capture those precious moments just let them act naturally! Don't force unnatural poses because not only will resulting pictures appear unnatural but also risk losing future cooperation from your furry friend if asked again later...